Diatribes of Jay

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23 August 2024

She Hit it Out of the Park

For anyone who doubts Kamala Harris’ qualifications or readiness to serve as our 47th president, I have a single prescription. Watch her as she accepted her nomination last night. Click on the MSNBC feed here, set the timer at 4:04, make sure you have some quiet time without distractions, and watch.

By the time you finish the 38-minute speech, you will have no doubt that Harris is not just a brilliant lawyer, incisive thinker, quintessentially practical leader, and a good person. You will also think, as I do, that at this very moment, she is one of the most skilled pols we Dems have. You will thank Joe Biden not just for stepping down, but also for allowing her to take the initiative and use her heretofore mostly hidden leadership skills to grab the top spot without a divisive contest or floor fight.

Why do I think this? In her single speech, Harris expounded on all the things that we Americans need most: faith in ourselves, confidence in our fundamental principles, decency, kindness, empathy, compassion and, above all, unity. She discussed all these values without once demeaning or offending even the smallest class of potential voters. Every category of voters she touched upon—our middle class, working people, people of color, union members, our armed forces and veterans, our entrepreneurs, and our scientists—she cheered, exalted, and inspired.

Neither the word “deplorables”—nor any hint of negativity—ever passed her lips, except with respect to her opponent. Him she savaged in all the right and just ways, with memorable phrasing and lots of punch.

But she kept her eye on the ball: the endless potential of our nation, our people and our system, if only we have good leadership. She even threaded the needle on Israel, Gaza and Palestine with such skill, empathy and balance that the huge, diverse crowd erupted in wild cheering, and not a single “boo.” I wouldn’t dare spoil it for you by trying to summarize it.

Once they’ve analyzed Harris’ speech, her opponent’s “operatives” will no doubt try to renege on his pledge to debate her September 10. If he keeps that pledge, and if Harris doen’t fall sick as Biden apparently had before his debate, the debate will effectively end the campaign. She will wipe the floor with him, and he will likely reveal his increasing derangement.

But don’t take my word for it. Watch the speech. Behold and rejoice. We have a superbly qualified and consummately skilled candidate, not just as a top-notch courtroom lawyer, but as a thoughtful, strategic pol. We Dems are baaaack! America is baaaack! And every color in our beautiful national rainbow now has a stake in Harris’ election.

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