Diatribes of Jay

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26 July 2024

¡Look at this creep!

Take a look at this clip of the Demagogue, Kamala Harris’ opponent. Bear through the PBS promos and run the timer from 4:44 to 5:04. Then stop the clip and think a bit.

Is this whom we want as our supreme leader? In a mere twenty seconds, he gives us a torrent of name-calling, name mispronouncing (apparently deliberate), lies and exaggerations.

There he was, characterizing his new opponent with the very same epithet—“lying”—that he had used against Joe Biden before Joe stepped down. Does the Demagogue even lack imagination, in addition to all the other finer human virtues?

Funny thing, that. According to the Washington Post, the Demagogue told 30,573 lies and near lies during the four years of his presidency. If there were an Olympic contest for lying, he would surely get the gold. Can we all say “projection”?

So our Republican candidate is not just extreme and lawless. He’s not just visibly suffering senile dementia and derangement. He appears to be impersonating a six-year-old or eight-year-old bully on a grammar-school playground.

That’s why I used the Spanish-style double exclamation marks in my title above. There’s nothing in English strong enough to express my amazement and astonishment that this creep is even running seriously for president, let alone has a credible chance of winning. If he wins, he’ll be our Nero, Caligula and Commodus, all rolled into one.

Why don’t our media show this? Isn’t that the sixty-four million dollar question? When you put clips like this together with his frequent word salads, things like this must occur several times a week, if not once a day, especially at rallies. Every single one should be on our national news, virtually every night. Our people need to see precisely what level of derangement and degeneration they might be putting into the White House.

Our media are self-evidently not doing this job. So alternative media must. At 79, I’m too old to do it. And anyway, it’s not a one-man job.

We need a Website to report the Demagogue’s puerile lies, taunts, word salads and worse in real time, in short but accurate video clips. Persuadable voters must see precisely whom they are considering giving our nuclear codes, in his own words and voice. Democratic ad-makers need a readily available, non-restricted source of clips.

The site’s name should be something simple and accurate, like “Trumpisms” or “Trump served Raw.” (“Trumpistry”, with its reference to sophistry, would only aggrandize his puerile, deranged speech.)

If our mainstream media can’t step up, is it too much to ask an ad-hoc group to step up, just for the next hundred days, to keep us all apprised of how quickly the Demagogue is degenerating? Every puerile rant, every gaffe, every word salad, every sudden and unexplained reversal of so-called “policy” at whim, and every gross misstatement or exaggeration deserves video-clip recordation on a single, easily searchable online site, without copyright protection.

We need to put it all out there so the worst derangements can “go viral.” Our voters desperately need to see and know them all before it gets too late.

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