[For analysis of the present historical context and day-by-day analysis of the GOP Convention in Cleveland, click here.]
There are times when Hillary seems to have a tin ear. Progressives like me, who are trying to conjure up enthusiasm for her candidacy, gasped in disbelief upon hearing of her choice last night of Tim Kaine as running mate.
Voters in both parties want change. GOP voters want change enough to have rejected every conventional or establishment candidate and to have picked an utterly inexperienced maverick as their champion. Democrats want change enough to have nearly dropped Hillary in favor of a self-declared “Democratic Socialist.” They thirst for the change they expected in 2007 and (due to the GOP’s scorched-earth opposition) didn’t get. The notion that Tim Kaine represents the kind of change that voters in both parties crave is sheer fantasy.
So what does Kaine bring to the party as Veep? He covers Hillary’s right flank. His experience as ranking member of our Senate’s Armed Services Readiness Subcommittee and an important Foreign Relations subcommittee give him heft and substantive knowledge. He can use them in rebutting bogus attacks on Hillary, such as the Benghazi Attack Committee’s.
Kaine is also a man. He can help dispel unconscious bias against a woman as a commander in chief facing serious foreign threats. Finally, from all reports Kaine gets along fine with Hillary, so she will be comfortable with him and will listen to him when she needs a “Devil’s advocate.”
All these things can be helpful. But this election is still about economics and a rigged system, not national security. It could move more toward national security, for example, if we had a big domestic terrorist attack, or even if the steady drip-drip-drip of small attacks at home and bigger ones abroad continues.
In focusing his acceptance speech primarily on “law and order,” Trump sought to cover that base (not to mention follow tried and true GOP demagoguery). But in doing so he also took a calculated risk.
At the same time, Trump made a direct appeal to Bernie’s voters. He didn’t just ask for their votes. He repeated, vehemently and more than once, Bernie’s charge that the system is rigged. Having Tim Kaine a heartbeat away from the presidency will do nothing to keep those voters from straying, or to bring them back if they have already strayed.
At the moment—and perhaps for the duration—the most important issues in this election are those that Bernie raised and that the Clinton candidacy has never adequately addressed. Millions of voters are out of sorts, both here and in Britain, not because they fear terrorism but because they see the middle class of which they once were part dissolving in economic inequality, bad trade deals, and unfettered immigration. Those are the issues that Hillary must address well to win big.
For a variety of reasons, voters don’t trust Hillary. She talks well. She may be the best orator and the best debater among all presidential candidates in all parties in this election cycle. But skeptical voters need more than talk; Hillary can’t gain or restore their trust by talking. The only way for her to win their trust is for her to have people on her team who’ve earned their trust and have it now.
With Dick Cheney and Joe Biden, the vice president morphed from an attack dog waiting for disaster to a real member of the Cabinet and a trusted presidential adviser. No one should begrudge Hillary having the same sort of helper. Indeed, that’s particularly important for her: her amateurish advisors so far have caused her a lot of harm. Tim Kaine is no Dick Cheney and no amateur, so that’s all to the good.
But in the next week, Hillary must name other names that the people and her party trust much more. As I’ve written before, she must name names like Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Sherrod Brown, Paul Krugman, and Joe Stiglitz. She must name them not just in abstract praise, but as prospective members of her Cabinet.
“Triangulation” has been Hillary’s Achilles Heel. Among other things, it led her to make her most disastrous mistake: her early and much-too-prolonged support for Dubya’s disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq. In any event, today’s GOP provides no visible point of triangulation. The party, its leaders, and Trump himself are all over the block. Trump changes his views, in substance and in nuance, every few days, as the winds blow.
You can’t triangulate when one point is oozing mush. Nor can you find any single Republican individual whom the right trusts as much as the left trusts the people named above (and others).
Hillary has talked a blue streak, articulately and cogently. But her negatives just keep getting higher. She needs leaders—named leaders—on her team whom the people trust. Tim Kaine is not such a person, if only because he’s not well known outside of Virginia.
If Hillary’s selection of Kaine means a step to the right on issues of terrorism and national security, that’s reasonable. If it means a step to the right on domestic economic policy, it could be fatal to her candidacy. Or it could turn a possible three-branch sweep into a niggling win that does nothing to cure national gridlock.
To win big and become a transformational president, Hillary must keep all of her base—and all of it fired up! She also must attract new voters with trusted names and personas, not arguments. If she does not, she may miss the first real chance in a generation to remake this nation. In the worst case, she may help elect a clueless, unqualified and dangerous demagogue who could ruin this nation and our world.
Erratum: An earlier version of this post confused Tim Kaine with Jim Webb, a former senator from Virginia and former Secretary of the Navy, who performed abysmally in the first Democratic primary debate last year. I regret the error. (The fact that a political junkie like me could make that error shows how little Kaine is known nationally and how difficult it will be for him to cure Hillary’s trust deficit while establishing his own national reputation.)
At Saturday, July 23, 2016 at 10:56:00 PM EDT,
Rob said…
Was the recent RNC just a dream? I kept thinking that I would wake up and realized that we were all just "punked" and that Donald Trump as a presidential candidate was simply a joke and the "real" GOP was now introduced. I can't help that a living in the USA that has accomplished so much! including saving the world in WWII has been reduced to this! How could a most powerful nation in the history of the world fall so far so fast? Hillary does not get the average had working American so DJT will be the next president. Scary, yes. But if my life now simply become a dream I just hope I "wake up" before I hit the ground as I free-fall from a large building as in most of my dreams. Dreams, "reality", fantasy, the big bang, 14.5 million years of evolution, all atoms (other than hydrogen) were previously cooked an a long dead star make up my reality. Sometimes there seems to be zero logic in what evolutions produces. It is just a matter of single cells trying to "survive" and our reasonable recently evolved brain is no match for 4 billion years of prior history. Again. is this "life" just a dream or what?
Rodney E. Haven
At Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 11:50:00 PM EDT,
Jay Dratler, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. said…
Dear Rod,
I agree that we as a nation have fallen very far, very fast. It’s hard to believe that any of our national politicians today would have made FDR’s team, his so-called “brain trust.” Even Obama wouldn't have, not for lack of brains or character, but because someone of his race would never have had the chance then.
Today he has had the chance, but the Lilliputians swarmed and nibbled at his toes enough to keep him from being the transformational president that we all hoped he would be when he won in late 2007. Two steps forward, one step back.
No, life is not a dream, and Trump is real. But other realities are far more hopeful. The GOP, which has built its castle on the shifting sands of tribalism, trivial “social” issues and fear mongering for two generations, is out of lies, out of ideas, utterly splintered and fighting bitterly among itself. Trump has stolen its lie factory, leaving any semblance of real conservatism in the dust.
Human history’s most effective, vile and dangerous propaganda machine, Fox, is on the ropes and may be about to change. Roger Ailes is thoroughly discredited and out. Rupert is all but senile. No one knows what his two sons will do with the monster he created, and that uncertainty may restrain the actor-demagogues’ freedom of action. Some of them may not have jobs in 2017.
For two generations, the ground has never been as fertile for a complete three-branch sweep of our government by progressives. The irony is that our candidate, Hillary, has spent her entire career in incrementalism, triangulation, and seeking the center. Constitutionally she is the wrong person to seize this unprecedented opportunity to remake the nation.
But circumstances have made her our champion. We must support her, watch her like a hawk, and urge her constantly to seize the extraordinary opportunity that history has put in her lap. To do that, she must create a “team of rivals” that our nation has not seen since Lincoln’s and since FDR’s brain trust.
If she can do that, and if she listens to the team she creates, she can remake this nation in a single term. She can restore our nation’s greatness and Democrats’ status as national leaders.
If she’s too cautious and too intent on doing things her own slow and incremental way, she might still win but miss the opportunity of our age. Those of us who call ourselves progressives, who have wandered in the wilderness ever since the three assassinations of the sixties, must exert maximum effort to keep that from happening. At very least, we must all vote, and vote for Hillary, not anyone else.
The circumstances are right. Now we must all work together to seize them.
At Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 2:09:00 AM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Hi Jay,
Dear Jay,
I have been feeling down about our "election" this year for the past several weeks and am even considering voting for Trump who signed an 8X10 Glossy photograph of himself (of course)for me nearly 30 years ago, when I was a teenager, after I read his book "The Art of the Deal". He also signed a "million dollar bill" from his board game for me. Sorry, as a teenager I found him very interesting.
You are right about Hillary but I have great problems with Hillary mishandling classified emails. As a young officer in the navy I would have been severely punished for mishandling much less than she did. But we now have what we have. Your thoughts of electing her and hoping she has the wisdom to seize the moment and do what is right for America gives me hope. But then her Wall Street bank interests also give me pause... as does her lifelong career of being a politician. But in all she does seem to care about the people of America and does seem to have significant intelligence and an awesome husband to help guide her.
Best Regards, Rod in Wooster
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