Bossism and Racism by the Numbers
Numbers don’t lie. They’re hard. They’re immutable. You can’t “spin” them. Honestly presented, they’re easy to understand. That’s why votes are so compelling. The three votes (out of 435) by which health-insurance reform passed were a small margin. But they did the job.
That’s also why it’s so important for us Americans to become more “numerate,” i.e., literate in math. Math can counteract the avalanche of verbal propaganda that has knocked our nation off its moorings in enlightened pragmatism and often out of its senses. For a lengthy example, read my previous post on economics and our global future.
Numbers best told the story of our 2008 presidential election. About 72% of national productivity―the states that make this nation strong and make it work―voted for Obama. Over one-third of that productivity preferred Obama to McCain by a margin of 20% or more, i.e., by a landslide.
So why is he having such trouble getting things done? Why did his mild, moderate, minor, middle-of-the-road adjustment to health insurance win the House by only three votes out of 435? In that, too, there is a numerical tale.
For political math made simple, read the Washington Post. After the presidential election, it gave me the interactive, digital tables (of state-by-state margins in the presidential election), that I needed to do my spreadsheet and post showing GDP favoring Obama by a landslide. Recently the Post did a similar thing for health-insurance reform. It provided an interactive table showing the crucial House vote, along with the percentage of people in each district lacking health insurance.
That table revealed an astonishing fact. Of the representatives whose districts have more than twenty percent uninsured, nearly all voted “no.” Virtually all of them were from the South, plus Oklahoma.
In other words, the Members whose constituencies most need health insurance voted to deny it to them. They preferred to let their voters suffer and die destitute, without access to proper health care or any way to pay for it.
What is going on here? To say these results are odd would be understatement. House members are supposed to help their constituents, aren’t they? Why are reps from the states that most needed health-insurance reform so adamantly against reforming a broken system that denies it to large numbers of their electors?
Of course the old Solid South (now solidly Republican) wants to torpedo the President no matter what the cost. Of course there is a faint but distinct echo of the Civil War in that. We’ll get to those points later.
But I think there’s something more. Americans generally are not nay-sayers. We’re doers and achievers. At least we have been in the past. So how can the Party of No, the party of racism, the party of denial be so successful as to have Democrats running scared toward the coming midterm elections?
The answer is what I call “bossism.” Boiled down to its essence, it’s a political philosophy based on the notion that the straw boss knows best. Down on your luck? Move your home to where the jobs are, the non-union South. You won’t have to worry about disruptive strikes impairing your job. Have no health insurance? Suck it up. Subsidies, “welfare” and “socialism” would just make you weak. Free enterprise and laissez faire capitalism made this country big, strong and great. Don’t rock the boat. And financial reform? Forget it. Leave that to the big boys, who know best.
That’s bossism. It’s a transference of the slave-owner mentality to our twenty-first century, equal-opportunity economy. It keeps both African-Americans and working whites (not to mention women) in their places. It’s worked well for a long, long time, especially in the South.
This philosophy makes little sense analytically, let alone in the twenty-first century, but it makes perfect sense culturally. The South could not have existed without its landed aristocracy―including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson―and their straw bosses. That’s why the South has figured and still figures so prominently in our military culture. Theirs not to reason why . . .
How else can you explain the central anomaly of twenty-first century American politics? The poorest, least developed, least industrial and least-well-educated parts of the country consistently vote for policies that centralize and celebrate economic power concentrated elsewhere, primarily in Manhattan and on Wall Street. It is as if the Good Ol’ Boys have a collective death wish. Only culture, which takes centuries to change, provides a plausible answer.
The South loves bosses, even if they phone it in from Manhattan, because bosses have always made the South run. Notwithstanding its mild climate and drawling courtesy, the South has America’s most authoritarian culture. It raises you to say “Sir” and “Ma’am” and not to question adults or authority. That goes double if you’re female or have a darker hue.
That said, there are still some more specific questions worth asking. For one thing, how many of those anomalously high percentages of uninsured are African-American, and why? That’s a subject for a good Ph.D. thesis or two. I don’t know the answers, but I suspect that the percentage of African-Americans and working whites in these “just say no” districts who are uninsured is much higher than 20%.
Let’s suppose for a moment that this is true. Let’s suppose that there are people in the South―many of them―who repeatedly vote against their own economic interests, or who don’t vote at all, because they are imbued with a culture of bossism. Aren’t they the most fertile ground for political enlightenment in twenty-first century America?
That brings me to my second depressing topic. The recent storm of spittle on African-American House members, including the venerable civil-rights lion John Lewis, made clear the emotional heart of the Tea-Party Movement. A significant fraction of Americans―but thank God still a small minority!―will not accept a leader with black African genes no matter how good he is. These folks won’t change because their “views” are based not on facts or reason, but on deeply ingrained cultural prejudice. Only old age, death and the succession of their children, raised in the twenty-first century, will moderate their extremism.
Of course these facts should have been clear from the outset, even from the presidential election. On the merits that contest was so unequal as to have been a foregone conclusions in any rational society. If Obama had been 100% white, instead of just 50%, his victory would have made Lyndon Johnson’s landslide over Barry Goldwater look puny.
But to paraphrase That Idiot Rumsfeld, we live with the culture we have, not the one we would like. For better or worse, that includes the South, with all its overt and closet racists and working people who would be straw bosses, or will follow them to their own economic ruin.
So what can we do? The first thing, I think, is to recognize that justified outrage has limited potential for change. Bob Herbert’s recent bold column of outrage was brilliantly written and moving, but it won’t do much. Why? Because the justified outrage it reflects is a drop in the bucket. It’s like yet another rape or murder in Darfur. Whites suffer outrage fatigue, and African-Americans suffered it long ago. It’s hard to have grown up “black” in America without also growing a very, very thick skin.
Outrage may generate political contributions, but it’s a poor motivator for action. It can also precede despair. People get really active when they smell the sweet scents of victory and change, when they think their effort can make a difference at last.
That’s what happened in the presidential election. African-Americans in the South held back. Prominent leaders supported Hillary. Enthusiasm was muted and doubtful. But then northern voters, mostly white, picked Obama, and the sweet smell of victory wafted over the Mason-Dixon line. African-Americans came out in large numbers, and the Solid “Red” South began to turn blue.
That’s where the battle for America’s soul still is: where it’s been for a century and a half, in the South.
In his marvelous book A People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn describes [pages 253-295, 321-357] how heartbreakingly close our labor movement came to rejecting racism decisively, once in the populist movement of the late nineteenth century, and again during the labor struggles before World War II. He also describes how the ruling class stumbled into cleverly exploiting racial and ethnic suspicion to hold working people back, as it had done since our Founding.
As an avid partisan for a smoke-free America, I still recall the best anti-tobacco ad ever conceived. It was directed toward African-Americans, and it read, “Tobacco. They enslaved us to pick it. Now they want us to smoke it.”
That ad helped save hundreds of thousands of “black” people from the scourge of tobacco. Why, I wonder, can’t we progressives be as clever, succinctly truthful and forceful in our politics as in that public-service ad?
The South holds the key to America’s future. Modernize it and its culture, and you have a whole new America. Neglect or ignore it, and the ball and chain of our Senate and its filibusters will surely drag us under. For the South’s culture of bossism and racism is among the most intransigent and resilient in human history, and old habits die hard.
We might not ever again have the same chance for changing it as we do today. We have an extraordinarily talented president whose genetic makeup symbolizes racial neutrality and change. He cut his political teeth organizing communities. We have the Internet. And though the straw bosses are still dreaming up clever ways to keep them from the polls, African-Americans now have the vote. So do poor, downtrodden working whites. What miracles might follow from organizing both groups and getting them to recognize their common interests?
When Republican straw bosses tried to ridicule the President’s community organizing, they were whistling past the graveyard. His organizing skill is precisely what they and their shills most fear.
Nationwide, our African-Americans are only twelve percent of us. In the South, their percentage is much, much higher. As objects of oppression for four centuries, they are more than normally cynical and resistant to lies and propaganda. All they need is real hope.
Virtually every issue of consequence in the last decade, including health-insurance reform, has turned on a margin of a few percent, either in Congress or the general electorate. Ten percent or so more African-Americans going faithfully to the polls might make all the difference.
If we convince African-Americans in the South to vote for their own economic interests as enthusiastically as they did for the President in 2008, we can begin to change the face of America. If we can get working whites, who have the same economic interests, to understand that simple point, we can change the South’s bossist, racist culture for once and for all. In so doing, we can transform America and change the world.
Howard Dean and his 50-state strategy were right. But this time, we should focus on the states that most need change. Nixon’s disgraceful “Southern Strategy” won the day for the troglodytes for two generations. But it was just a holding action in a slowly losing war. Time, momentum, history and demographics are on our side, not to mention justice. If we can only speed them up a bit, we will see change we really can believe in.
Let’s start with the upcoming midterm congressional elections. And let’s get some bold veterans to promote real American values, with the clout of military tradition and culture behind them.
At Sunday, March 28, 2010 at 11:03:00 PM EDT,
CJCalgirl said…
Dear Jay, I have been saying similar things about the south for a while now, and I completely agree with your breakdown of the problem. What continues to surprise me is the birther, "Obama is a muslim" extremists that are so connected to their christian belief system. Whether evangelical, fundamentalist, or pentecostal, they are consistent in their blind acceptance of the dogma spread by their leaders of inherent superiority, the condoning of slavery by the old testament, and their fairy-tale armageddon. Admittedly, My atheism doesn't give me much patience for these citizens, but my concern is that they are all over the north too. The current imploding of the Catholic hierarchy is helping move the dialogue in the right direction, but no one seems to understand that this implied 'superiority' is simple racism, stamped and approved by corporate greed to further their own agenda of involuntary servitude of everyone else.
At Monday, March 29, 2010 at 11:57:00 AM EDT,
Jay Dratler, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. said…
Dear CJCalgirl,
You and I are obviously on the same wavelength. I had meant to include a paragraph on religion in my discussion of bossism but forgot to do so.
God is the ultimate boss. That's one reason, I think, why the South is so religious. Not only does strong religion suit the South's authoritarian culture. The type of religion the South advocates does, too. The people who want to put the Ten Commandments on the courthouse lawn, rather than the Bill of Rights or our Constitution, have an obvious agenda. They want to keep the rules simple so the plebes will understand and obey.
That said, I have trouble rejecting organized religion entirely, even though I'm probably somewhere between agnostic and atheist myself. Just this evening I talked with a Nun who worked for years in China. She believes that Chinese authorities quietly tolerate Christianity (as long as it doesn't get too political) because they recognize the social value of the morality that it fosters.
Corruption is a worldwide problem, maybe second only to nuclear weapons and climate change. It pollutes everything from the U.S. Congress to the Central Committee of the PRC. How you get people to be honest and fair in a secular society that values wealth and power above all else is a problem the human race hasn't yet solved successfully. The Catholic Church's beneficent indoctrination (if you can call it that) seems to have come closest to a solution, but the price has always been centralized authority, which brought with it many undesirable things, such as the current pedophilia scandals.
How you square that circle is beyond my pay grade, although I've given it lots of thought.
But one thing is clear: the South has the worst of both worlds. It has all the authoritarianism of the worst organized religion and none of the benefits of the best: consistently healthy morality and concern for those less fortunate.
I can't help but think it all goes back to slavery, which the South once perverted Christianity to justify. Lots of folks in the South are still perverting Christianity today, while giving God and Jesus fervent lip service. That's another reason why I think Obama can do much better there; he seems to be a genuinely spiritual man.
At Thursday, April 15, 2010 at 9:16:00 PM EDT,
ch555x said…
Good points, especially with the term "bossism". That usually comes to mind when I refer to some of these folks down here (live in TN). It's almost comedic how they run and defend the system, only to get bitten in the end. It wasn't a shock that the VA governor proclaimed the so-called Confederate History Month along with the MS governor backing him up.
At Friday, April 16, 2010 at 7:33:00 AM EDT,
Jay Dratler, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. said…
Dear ch555x,
Thanks for the comment and the validation. It's nice to have corroboration from people who live in the South (or a so-called "border" state, as you do).
The more I read and think, the more I believe that the South holds the key to understanding ourselves as a nation and any chance we may have of arresting our current decline.
Most northerners think, as I used to, that the South is unimportant. After all, it's the poorest, least developed, least well educated and most crime-ridden region of the country. (For an example, consider these statistics [fourth paragraph] on Alabama, which would make it eligible for foreign aid if it were not a state.)
We Northerners won the Civil War, didn't we? We got the Civil Rights Amendments (Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth) adopted as part of our Constitution, didn't we? Since then we achieved women's suffrage and liberation, passed many civil rights laws, had and lost our national martyr and saint (Dr. King), and elected our first mixed-race president. Surely the dead hand of such a small, economically weak region has finally lost its grip.
Wrong. From our very Founding, the South has woven itself into our national DNA. It's not just the "original sin" of slavery. Nor is it just the Senate and its filibusters, which perpetuated the disproportionate power of land and the people who control it. Nor is it the original rules for "democracy," which restricted voting to males with property. There are also several other ways in which Southern "values" and outlook insinuated themselves into national governance and our national psyche.
These things gave―and still give―the South enormous power, entirely disproportionate to its area, population, and economic output.
The only solution I can see is a massive effort by the rest of the nation to reform the South, beginning with the upcoming midterm elections. I dream of a new "Freedom Summer." This time, instead of helping African-Americans fight for their civil and human rights, northern youth would seek refuge from unemployment or underemployment in organizing ordinary people, both black and white, to understand where their true economic and political interests lie. (Whites also need a refresher course on how to recognize propaganda and lies that get them to vote against their own interests.)
Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be writing several essays on these subjects. Stay tuned.
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