Clinton and Obama: A Handy Comparison Chart
Notes to readers: (1) FOR A GENERAL-ELECTION CHART OF MCCAIN AND OBAMA, CLICK HERE; (2) a new entry, Understanding of Economics, was added on February 16, 2008.
War and Peace
- Hillary Clinton (2002): voted for war in Iraq without reading NIE (National Intelligence Estimate), though NIE’s dissents proved right
Barack Obama (2002): had no access to NIE, but spoke out against war based on own judgment
Planning for Conflict
- Richard M. Nixon (1968): had “secret plan” to end Vietnam War, which evaporated after election
George W. Bush (2002-2005): had no plan for aftermath of Iraq invasion
Hillary Clinton (2007): refused to state plans, if any, to fight Al Qaeda in Pakistan
Barack Obama (2007): announced and published comprehensive plan to fight terrorism, including Al Qaeda in Pakistan
Foreign Policy
- Hillary Clinton (2007): says talking to leaders of unfriendly countries without preconditions is “irresponsible” and “naïve”
Barack Obama (2007): says “Not talking doesn’t make us look tough, it makes us look arrogant”
Openness in Foreign Policy
- Hillary Clinton (2007): our policies on terrorism in Pakistan and nuclear first strikes should be ambiguous and secret; her policy is, in effect, “trust my ‘experience’” or “I’ll send Bill”
Barack Obama (2007): provides thoughtful and thorough public analysis and plan
Understanding of Economics
- Richard Nixon (1974): acknowledges failure of wage-price controls
Soviet Union (1989): after 72 years, abandons command economy founded on price controls and other economic mandates
Hillary Clinton (2007): proposes command-based health-insurance program with individual mandates
Hillary Clinton (2008): proposes five-year price controls (on interest rates) to address mortgage crisis
Barack Obama (2007): proposes health-care plan based on incentives, subsidies and free market
Barack Obama (2008): proposes mortgage-crisis solutions with subsidies and other relief for suffering homeowners but no price controls
Health Care
- Hillary Clinton (1993): endorsed failed plan with mandates on small business and no way to keep desirable insurance
Hillary Clinton (2007): proposed new plan with mandates on individuals
Barack Obama (2007): no mandates, just help in paying
John McCain (2008): pounds [subscription required] Hillary’s health-care mandates
Work Experience
- Hillary Clinton: no life but politics; never ran anything but own campaigns; some work as children’s advocate
Barack Obama: ran successful organizing effort in Chicago; as civil rights lawyer, represented ordinary people abused by system; taught constitutional law at University of Chicago
Most Notable Books
- Hillary Clinton: It Takes a Village [to raise a child] (1996): widely derided by conservatives and religious Americans
Barack Obama: The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (2006): universally praised as insightful and inspiring
Life Experience
- Hillary Clinton: from Wellesley to White House, by way of Arkansas Governor’s mansion—all but seven years as political spouse; sheltered, well-to-do upper middle class upbringing
Barack Obama: middle class Kansas roots; time in Hawaii, Indonesia; several years working in Chicago suburbs devastated by plant closings
Bipartisan Appeal
- Hillary Clinton: red flag to conservatives and religious folk for being Bill’s spouse and for views on child rearing
Barack Obama: praised by leaders of both parties for 2004 keynote speech on national unity
Money and Politics
- Hillary Clinton: leads Democrats (and Republicans!) in donations from lobbyists; has complex and questionable personal and family finances (including Whitewater)
Barack Obama: won’t take lobbyists’ money; has promised to rely on public funding if Republican nominee will do the same; has transparent and simple family finances: royalties from best-selling books
Further Reading: For more on the myths and misconceptions surrounding the two candidates’ “experience,” see linked posts. For another blog’s more extensive, updated comparison covering more issues, see this post. For another blog’s more philosophical discussion of how the conventional wisdom is dead wrong— and why there is a big difference in principle between Barack and Hillary—see The Differences Between Obama and Clinton. For my own more extensive discussion of Senator Clinton’s poor grasp of basic economics, see this post.
At Friday, January 4, 2008 at 12:25:00 PM EST,
Anonymous said…
This is not a chart.
At Friday, January 4, 2008 at 1:34:00 PM EST,
Jay Dratler, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. said…
I didn't put these notes in an HTML table because I've found that sometimes tables are hard to copy.
If you'd like to prepare and post a table yourself, please feel free. My copyright policy encourages nonprofit copying and dissemination of anything on this blog.
At Friday, January 4, 2008 at 4:27:00 PM EST,
Anonymous said…
I don't think this is a fair comparison between the candidates. I know who you're going to vote for. :-)
At Saturday, January 5, 2008 at 4:25:00 AM EST,
Jay Dratler, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. said…
It's no less fair than the ridiculous myth—repeated endlessly and credulously by our media—that Hillary has massive executive experience and will be ready to roll on day one. To my knowledge, she has never run anything but bar association committees and her own campaigns.
I think Hillary Clinton as president would be a disaster for our party and country. If she could win the general election, which I doubt, our rancorous national division would continue, and we would have eight more years of the Clinton Soap Opera. As for Bill, I still love to hear him talk, but my opinion of stature as a leader has, let us say, matured.
I've been holding my fire out of respect for women's aspirations and because I thought I might have to vote for Hillary. Now that I know rural white people will give Obama a fair hearing, I can speak my mind. If you want to turn the page on self-obsessed Boomers (of which I am one) and have a real leader, Hillary Clinton is not the best choice.
At Thursday, January 31, 2008 at 10:55:00 PM EST,
Anonymous said…
I agree with other comment - remove the word chart from this page title. I'm Googling for charts and this isn't one. Thanks.
At Saturday, February 2, 2008 at 12:13:00 PM EST,
Jay Dratler, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. said…
Nice try, but no thanks. The truth will keep its number one spot on Google.
If you don't think this is a chart, then make your own, but try to keep it accurate.
At Tuesday, February 5, 2008 at 4:42:00 PM EST,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the link to my post on The Differences Between Obama and Clinton.
I assume you intended to link to the actual post at:
The current link goes to the Politics category at the blog. At present this is the top post in the category but it will quickly move down. Assuming you intend for this post to remain as a reference throughout the remainder of the primaries, you might change the link to the actual post.
At Tuesday, February 5, 2008 at 4:56:00 PM EST,
Jay Dratler, Jr., Ph.D., J.D. said…
At Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 11:39:00 AM EST,
Anonymous said…
Interesting post as for me. I'd like to read more about that theme. Thanx for giving that info.
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